Re-Opening Services


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This is the time to strategize and plan for reopening your property. Information is changing weekly. How quickly can your property re-open? How prepared are you? How ready is your brand for re-opening? Now is the opportunity to change, to improve and enhance what your property has offered and will offer. Working together we can appraise your assets, assess current opportunities, understand fully the losses and impact of closure. We will walk through defining your competitive edge and determine what steps your property can take to reenter the new market.


The days of housekeeping being hidden away are over for the foreseeable future. Properties will need to revise cleaning plans and promote cleanliness. What will your property do to reassure guests? How will cleaning plans change? Collaboratively we will review, assess and revise the procedures, training and tools related to cleanliness at your property. Learn what you can be doing now to prepare for reopening, and highlighting the cleanliness of your property.


Employees are a human asset to each property. Some staff may have found other streams of income. This can also be a good time to assess which employees to retain. Who will be and not be coming back, and how do you plan for this? It will be important to consider how you will engage staff to feel excited about coming back - beyond the paycheck, and how you will utilize staff efficiently before and after re-open. How will you convey new requirements for the post COVID-19 environment? Considerations will need to be given on revising guidelines and developing trainings to address these concerns.


As your property prepares to full re-open, it may be advantageous to create a Taskforce specific to post COVID-19 closure. This team will be tasked with revising cleaning protocols, how to market these changes to the public, and a variety of other details from training to property enhancements. Whether you have a team on site ready to jump into this role or a single property manager or owner, I can serve as a team player to provide strategy, planning and implementation.


Market conditions have changed, how will your property adapt? Do you have the availability for conference space or office space? Evaluating the footprint of the property and how space can be best utilized given the new market conditions could help make or break your property’s profit margin. Adding space is not the only way to add dollars to your profit. In this 365-degree evaluation, we will discover the hidden opportunities onsite and online and assess:

  • How is website conveying cleanliness and improvements?

  • Does the third-party booking highlight these enhancements?

  • Does current IT infrastructure support guest experience of working remotely?

Ready to LEARN MORE?

In an initial consultation, you’ll learn how your business needs can be met. Consultations related to COVID-19 are complimentary. Think of it as an extra head in the game to get your property ready for re-opening.

Click here to set up an initial consultation.